10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

Have you ever seen a mother and daughter pair that left you confused as to who was who? Not the kind of flattering “confusion” where you say to the mom, “Oh wow this must be your sister.

You’re her mother?! Woah, I would’ve never guessed…” We’re talking about actual confusion where the women look more like identical twins rather than mom and baby girl.

Turns out, it’s a lot more common than you think, and trust us, it’s really hard to know who is who nowadays.

So we’re putting your keen eye to the test, check out these photos and see if you can guess who’s the mom and who’s the daughter before reading and finding out. Good luck!

1. The Sweetest Moments

This mother-and-daughter duo decided to take some cute selfies together in the car and. when they posted them, people were completely dumbfounded. It was impossible for most people to guess who was the younger one in the picture.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

If you’re still struggling, we’ll tell ya! The mom is on the right, and she was 43 at the time this picture was taken.

2. Are They Clones?

Here goes another pair that makes it nearly impossible to say who is the mother and who is the daughter. The duo was out getting ready when they took this snap of them next to each other.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

While they probably get it all the time that they look like sisters, this is probably one of their best “sister-looking” moments. If you guessed the mom was on the right you’re… incorrect! That’s mom standing on the left. Tricky, right?

3. No Make Up Photo

It’s more and more common to see women embracing their natural looks and posting no-makeup photos online. This mom and her daughter decided to follow the trend and to post their own.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

Obviously, beauty is definitely genetic in the family and, for all know, they could be twins. They have the same hair, the same smile, and just the same everything!

4. How Is This Even Possible?

Another selfie of a mom and daughter who clearly knew that they look exactly the same and decided to share it with the entire world.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

For this pair in specific, it’s even harder since they chose to wear the same color of clothing, the same makeup look, hair color, and texture… but ultimately mom is the one sitting on the right.

5. Are They Triplets?

You might have already seen this picture somewhere on the internet since the photo recently went viral and stayed viral until people finally managed to let it go.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

For months, online users continued to attempt their luck in pointing out who the mother is and, and who the daughters are in this selfie. We’ll give you one last second to guess… that’s mom sitting all the way to the left!

6. Another Pair Of Triplets

This photo features a mother and her twin daughters, though it actually looks like we’re looking at triplets. You might recognize Youtube and a social media celeb twins Brooklyn and Bailee, whose content mostly focuses on fashion, teen interests, pranks, and beauty.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

In this picture, they pose next to their mom, who’s standing on the left, and whose resemblance is simply something out of this world.

7. A Beautiful Family

Oh come on, there is no way that an entire family can look this good! The two sisters and their mother love posing together and completely shocking their followers whenever they post a photo of all of them together.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

And trust us, we spent a good amount of time trying to figure out who is who, so we’ll give you a little help. The mom may be wearing a bun…

8. ​Reese Witherspoon And Her Daughter

If there is one pair in Hollywood that is known for looking like the same person, that is Reese Witherspoon and her daughter.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

The resemblance is simply uncanny and, because of it, they quickly received the twin status label from everyone in the world. Witherspoon, who is 20 years older than her daughter, could very well pass as her sister.

9. The Doppelgangers

It must be so much fun when you realize that you no longer have to look for your doppelganger out there, she is literally your mother!

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

If we think about it, it’s almost a tiny bit disturbing how much they look alike, though we can identify that the mom is on the left in this one. She is probably incredibly proud to have given birth to such a wonderful daughter.

10. Best Friends

At first glance, it’s extremely hard to tell these two apart. The copy-paste mother and daughter seem to be the best of friends, as they appear to not only share in looks but in the same interests too.

10 Moms And Daughters That Look Insanely Alike #1

We can’t say that having a mom as a best friend isn’t one of the best things ever! So cheers to them, and may they always look this youthful and happy! In case you’re still wondering by the way, mom is in the blue on the left.


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