Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

Have you ever felt that everything in the world is going against you? Do you feel depressed and quite often yell “this is the worst day of my life”?

Well, no matter how nice or caring person we are, there is a part in us that feel some sort of satisfaction when other people are doing worse.

It doesn’t make us a bad person because most of the times we feel better by thinking that “it could’ve been me”.

So, let’s embrace this fact by looking at some pictures that’ll certainly make you feel much better about your day.

1. Best Man or Worst Man?

Everything was going perfect and the wedding was heading towards a smooth conclusion. However, the best man had some other plans (oops sorry…unintentional plans).

You kind of feel sorry for the bride and groom and also for the best man. Who went into the pond to find the ring? Any guesses?

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

2. Caught “snow-handed”

The owner of this car made a big mistake of not closing the doors before running into the house to find warmth.

This gave a perfect opportunity to the snowman to get inside the vehicle and drive away. However, the snowman was too slow and got caught before it could take off.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

3. Inevitable Damage

When luck is not on your side, even things that do go right tend to cause damage really soon.

What to do next? Don’t pick it up because it will spill the liquid. You have to be super fast to minimize the inevitable damage.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

4. Let’s See Who Wins

This guy clearly underestimated the power of water. You can’t outrun water and this guy had to learn it the hard way – by dropping his precious phone in water.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

5. I never drink coffee at lunch

You better think about this say again, young man!

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

6. When Laundry Goes Completely Wrong

Okay, we also thought that it was a massacre of birds. But there is nothing to worry about because it is just a simple, innocent case of laundry going wrong.

However, one cannot neglect the fact that the machine killed some pillows. We want justice!

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

7. No Escape

The owner of this car would be devastated to find that there is no way out of it. Unfortunately, the owner has to play the “waiting” game.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

8. Choose The Right Parking Spot

When it comes to parking, you have to be careful of different things such as other cars, pavement and also trees.

The owner of this car clearly underestimated the power of birds as he forgot that they don’t hold back when nature calls.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

9. Lesson Learned

If you have a rubber deco, then don’t leave it in the car in a sizzling hot summer day. You might come back to find out the melted remains of your beloved deco.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

10. Keep away from trucks

It’s only natural to feel worried when driving behind a vehicle transporting heavy load, but most of us hope that the driver ahead secured their load properly.

Unfortunately for this driver, that did not end up this way. Fortunately, he wasn’t driving with a passenger next to him and the loose metal sheet did hit the car, just missing the driver as it smashed through the windshield.

Feeling Down? These Photos Will Make Your Day So Much Better

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