These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Life is a real rollercoaster, with each day offering huge highs and crazy lows that see you crash back down to earth. But while bad luck is part and parcel of being a human, how many times has your bad luck been caught on camera?

Well, the people you are about to see weren’t so lucky. And what’s even more hilarious is the fact that these photos were taken just seconds before this bad luck came to life.

Are Crows the Ultimate Trolls?

Anyone who has ever watched a David Attenborough nature documentary will know that animals are in a constant cat-and-mouse chase. But in this case, the tables turned and it became a crow-and-cat chase!

This picture is quite confusing thought. We always thought crows were smart, but this photo seems to suggest that they have moments of madness and think that they can mess with a big cat and get away with it.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

We have a feeling that this lion probably didn’t appreciate its tail being pulled by his dinner, so we dread to think what happened next. But we have a feeling it resulted in a pile of black feathers on the floor.

Run, Kids, Run!

We hope these kids ate their breakfast on the morning this photo was taken, because they probably needed all of their strength and energy to run as fast from this man and his broken nose as possible!

But when you think about it, this photo is pretty impressive. Although it was supposed to show a group of men and their grandchildren hanging out on the street and playing games, it instead shows a family soon-to-be in turmoil.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

This funny photo does make us wince, though. It was taken just moments before this man got a full soccer ball to the face, and we can feel the second-hand pain through the screen!

Pay Attention, People

If this photo doesn’t remind you to pay attention to the world around you, then we don’t know what will. But as we live in a world full of cell phones and technology, it seems as though more and more people are distracted.

This is your reminder to pay attention to things that are happening around you, though, especially if that thing is a raging bull! We hate to think what happened next.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

In all honesty, we think this photo basically foreshadows the way the human race is going. If we keep paying more attention to technology than the world around us, we’ll surely get trampled by a bull (or a metaphorical one, at least).

Take a Deep Breath

When you head to the beach, there are certain things you have to do. Even if the ocean is cold, you have to dip your toes into the water at least once. You have to wear sunglasses even if it’s cloudy.

And you have to play in the sand. Those are the rules, people! And this person decided to take that last rule one step further and build their own den in the sand.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Of course, this seemed like a good idea at the time. But this funny photo was taken moments before a huge wave reared its head – and we just hope this person took a deep breath in preparation.

What Could Go Wrong?

We truly do appreciate people who come up with smart solutions to problems. And a lot of people in the building trade have the kind of brain that allows them to solve these problems with impressive ideas.

However, it seems as though they can’t be ‘on’ all the time – and sometimes they do make silly choices they don’t realize are silly until they’re picking bits of brick out of their teeth.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

In a way, we understand the logic behind this guy’s decision. But when you look into it further, you realize that this photo was actually
taken moments before he toppled to the ground…

A Real Catfight

Anyone who has cats will know that these animals are elusive and mysterious. You never really know what’s going on in a cat’s head, which is why you need to be cautious when you have two cats under the same roof.

After all, you never know how they’ll get on or whether they’ll gel with each other. And while these kitties seemed to get on most of the time, it seems as though the cat on the left was harboring some resentment.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

We guess he didn’t like having to share his house with another cat, so he decided to let his feelings known. You can even tell that this outburst has come as a surprise to the black cat.

Going, Going, Gone…

They say riding a bike is easy, but there’s no doubt about the fact that it still requires street smarts and some concentration.

You have to be conscious of where you’re going, and not be distracted by anything in the distance – like a pretty lady! But it seems as though this guy didn’t get that memo, and he couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful woman walking along the canals in Amsterdam.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

The end result? A very soggy cyclist. But this funny photo captured the moment before he toppled into the canal, and just before his face realized what was going to happen.

The Perfect Shot

We’re a little conflicted when it comes to this funny photo. On the one hand, we genuinely feel sorry for the person who got their (very delicious-looking) sandwich stolen by a hawk on their lunchbreak.

That must have been truly heartbreaking – especially if they were hungry and didn’t have any more money on them. On the other hand, though, we can’t help but be impressed by this perfect shot.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

You probably couldn’t take a photo like this again if you tried, which makes it even more impressive. But if this photo foreshadowed the rest of this poor person’s day, we hope they were ok.

That’s Gotta Hurt

No car or bicycle would be complete without the wheels, and there’s no doubt about the fact that it’s incredibly unfortunate when these wheels come off or become damaged.

But while most people can deal with a flat tire on the side of the road, what would you do if your motorcycle wheel fell off while you were this high up in the air? Well, it’s safe to say that we’d cry.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

We really hope this guy was a stunt driver who could land on his back wheel to get back to terra firma without breaking his back. If not, that would have really hurt.

Work Smarter

You’ve heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder,” right? While this phrase is normally associated with humans, it seems alligators have taken it upon themselves to do this, too.

After all, this seems to be the alligator equivalent of working smarter and not harder – especially when they’re hungry. We have a feeling the runners who have to move to the side of the road when a vehicle approaches don’t appreciate their street smarts, though.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

If we were running along this road and saw these alligators patiently waiting for their dinner, we’d probably chance it with the cars, to be honest. That’s probably the better option of the two.

“Don’t Let Go, Jack”

Have you ever had one of those days at work where everything goes wrong? This can really dampen your mood – and you can normally sense it’s going to be a bad day when a spilt coffee in the morning seems to foreshadow everything else going wrong.

We can only assume that this guy spilled his coffee that morning, because he had an absolute nightmare of a day from that moment on.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Good on him for trying to hold up all of that cargo with his bare hands, but we have a feeling that this photo was taken moments before he realized that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

Anyone who has ever played a sport that involves a ball will know that the first rule of these sports is to keep your eyes on the ball. This is also the case if you’re just a spectator, too. But we get it.

Sometimes something pops up on your phone that you just can’t ignore, so we don’t blame these two for taking their eye off the ball to check their emails. It’s just unfortunate that they chose that specific time.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

This funny photo was taken moments before they got a face-full of basketball, and it looks like the person on the left is wearing glasses, too. That means it would have hurt even more!

This Is Raising the Bar

We’re no experts when it comes to motorcycles, but we’re pretty sure that most bikers need at least two handlebars to properly steer and ride their bikes.

So, we can only imagine the thoughts running through this biker’s head when one of his handlebars fell off in his hands while he was riding along at night. In fact, we have a feeling that most of the thoughts probably weren’t some we could repeat.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

What can you do in this situation? Let’s hope that he could at least use one of the handlebars to steer his bike to safety before he went head-first into a wall.

Thanks, but No Thanks

Okay, let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that this woman wanted to help her boyfriend by washing his hunting clothes. In her head, she thought that she was doing something nice – and that needs to be commended.

However, anyone who has any knowledge of hunting will know that she’s actually being more of a hindrance than anything else. After all, how are you supposed to stay stealthy when you smell like lavender?

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Either this is an honest mistake by a helpful girlfriend, or this woman is trying to secretly plot her boyfriend’s demise. If that’s the case, that’s actually a pretty smart idea.

Schrödinger’s Plates

If you went into your kitchen and saw this in front of you, what would you do? Try and open the cupboard and hope you can catch the plates one by one before they topple to the ground?

Or just give in to the fact that you no longer have any dishes and that they now belong to the cupboard for all eternity. Well, we’re not sure what we’d do with these Schrödinger plates, either.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

These plates are both broken and not broken until you open the door, and that’s something that just doesn’t seem to make sense in our brains. We’d love to know what happened next.

Accident Waiting to Happen

In today’s day and age, HR will stop most people from doing something stupid before they do it. But we guess you can’t find an HR team when you’re working on the edge of a cliff in a flimsy piece of machinery.

Just looking at this fairly funny gives us anxiety, because we have a feeling hat this photo was taken moments before one wrong move saw this piece of machinery fall down the cliff.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

What makes this whole situation even more bizarre is the fact that this worker is actually chipping away at the steep cliff it’s standing on. And that’s just wild if you ask us.

Thank Goodness for the Helmet

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that this dad could be Adam Sandler’s twin? And while we’re at it, let’s also take a moment to appreciate the person who invented the bicycle helmet.

Without it, we have a feeling that this kid would be crying for hours on end – probably while sitting in the emergency room! But we do have to question what’s actually happened here.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

The glass-half-full part of us wants to think that this dad is putting his foot out to protect his son’s fall. But the glass-half-empty part of us is wondering whether he simply pushed the bike too hard with his foot and cause his son to fall over!

Watch Your Head

We bet the person in the red car really regretted their decision to buy a convertible on this day.

Yes, this funny photo was taken just moments before this truck realized the portaloos were way too tall to go underneath the bridge, and we would love to have seen how this whole scene played out. We assume it played out with a whole bunch of human excrement landing on this person’s head.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

If you look closer, it does seem as though this picture was staged for the sake of a commercial – but even if it is staged, it’s still incredibly funny!

Still Time to Turn Back

If you’re not quite sure what you’re looking at, this image depicts the evolution of animals over the course of history. It shows early amphibians evolving to survive on land – which means that it shows these animals moments before everything went wrong.

After all, nothing good happens on land! If we had the chance, we’d choose living in the water than living on the land any day. But there’s still time to go back, my guy.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

If this animal knew then what it knows now, we bet it would have chosen to go back. And, to be honest, we really wouldn’t have blamed it for doing that.

Hanging on the Edge

If you need any proof as to why women live longer than men, just take a look at this funny photo. Of course, this is nothing against this man – as we do have to admire his problem-solving skills.

But when you really think about the way that he’s balanced a ladder over the stairs, you do have to worry. After all, one wrong move and this guy would get a serious headache.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

This ladder does look like it’s pretty wedged in, but part of us does wonder whether this photo was taken moments before an accident. But for his case, we hope that we’re not correct!

What a Naughty Puppy

Anyone who has ever had a puppy will know that nothing is safe in their presence. Whether it’s brand new shoes that a puppy decides to shred to pieces or a staircase that’s obviously very delicious, these puppies will chew and pull on anything.

This picture sums up what it’s like to have a puppy, and we feel sorry for this poor woman and her poor choice of clothing (or lack of clothing).

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

After all, puppies will instantly go for anything dangly – and in this instance, that just so happened to be the strings of her bikini top! Let’s hope she caught herself before she flashed the whole beach.

Where’s the Helmet?

There are so many things about this funny photo that make us cringe so hard.

On the one hand, you have the fact that this guy looks oblivious to the fact that his wheel has fallen off while he’s whizzing down the road – and that makes us feel incredibly sorry for him! We bet he didn’t know what hit him when gravity quite literally brought him back down to earth.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

But on the other hand, we have to call him out for not wearing a helmet when riding his motorcycle. And we don’t think those shoes are very appropriate riding shoes, either!

Innovation at Its Worst

Life is a real rollercoaster, and it’s important for human beings to know how to problem-solve. This innovation will get you out of many sticky situations – but it’s fair to say that there’s a fine line between crazy and genius.

These guys have definitely toed the line, despite the fact that they were obviously just trying to solve a problem. That problem? They wanted to use their grill in the pool, of course.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

We appreciate the fact that they used an extender cable and some floating sliders to try and keep the wires and the electronics out of the water. However, we think it’s pretty obvious that it didn’t work.

Millennium Falc-Gone

We bet Star Wars fans can’t believe their eyes right now. After all, building the Millennium Falcon out of LEGO pieces must take hours – and this was probably a labour of love for this guy.

But this photo was taken moments before something terrible happened, as this guy decided to throw all of his hard work away (quite literally) in a fit of rage. It’s a pretty funny photo, though.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Everything from the angle of the throw to the facial expressions of the guy in the background make this funny photo one of the best things that we’ve ever seen.

Hello? Security?

We live in a world where you have to play by the rules. If you don’t, you’ll be punished. But sometimes the lines can be blurred, with everyone having their own opinion on whether they’re breaking the rules or not.

In this case, we’re going to play devil’s advocate. And while we appreciate the fact that this photo was taken moment’s before the security guard caught him for sitting in the ‘Chair Free Zone,’ we do have to question that.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

You could argue that he’s not actually sitting in the chair-free zone. After all, he’s sitting behind the sign! In this instance, we think the rules needed to be clarified.

A Bad Placement

If you live in a hot area, you’ll know that sprinklers are an absolute must. They keep the grass green and they keep the plants alive, which is why they can normally be found on open grassy areas.

But we do have a question for the funny photo below: What came first… the sprinkler or the electrical box? If it was the sprinkler, then this electrical box was very badly placed!

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

You probably don’t need us to tell you that water and electricity don’t mix, but it seems as though the person who installed this sprinkler didn’t get that memo. Let’s hope nothing bad happened here.

A 3-D Jigsaw Puzzle

At first glance, this looks like a vending machine full of glass and ceramic dishes and art pieces.

But when you think about it, this vending machine is actually offering people a 3D jigsaw puzzle – as there’s no way these fragile items are making their way down into the catch area without breaking into a thousand small pieces. Yes, this was either a very bad design or a very funny prank.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

But if you can’t quite spot what’s going on in the right hand-corner, this photo is actually capturing the exact moment one of the glass plates is making its way down to be smashed.

Don’t Try This at Home

Did you ever have a lesson on fire safety when you were younger? Perhaps you were taught about the different kinds of fires, and how to put them out.

Well, the person behind the camera was obviously out sick when the firefighters went to their school, as they missed the part where you should never mix boiling hot oil with water. And yes, hundreds of ice cubes still count as water!

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

If this person lowered down the fryer trays, then this photo was taken just moments before a huge explosion rocked this fast food joint. And we have a feeling that they were probably fired, too.

That’s Not a Frisbee

So many people around the world let off steam in the gym. And while some work up a sweat by running on the treadmill and cycling for hours on end, there are others who prefer to lift weights.

This can be pretty dangerous though – especially if you don’t really know how to use them. And it seems as though someone in this gym decided to use the 45lb weight as a frisbee.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

We really hope this is a fake rubber weight and not the real thing. Otherwise, this guy would have been dealing with some seriously broken bones – and it probably hurt real bad.

Hold Onto the Coffee

It’s normal to have a bad day at work every so often. Everyone has them! You might accidentally make a mistake or your boss might shout at you for no reason, but we’ve all had bad days that take a real toll on us.

And while some people rely on coffee to sort out a bad day, we really hope the person operating this machinery moved their coffee before continuing with their day.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

Anyone who knows anything about these types of machines and the very weak manhole covers underneath will know that the coffee cup wouldn’t have lasted very long on such a thing.

Too Late to Be a Lawyer?

While some people simply fall into their careers, there are others who make the decision to work in such a field. But one thing this funny photo shows us is that the guy on the floor is seriously questioning his decision to become a wrestler.

And we don’t blame him. This perfectly-timed photo is so cringeworthy we’re actually feeling this man’s second-hand pain – and that had to hurt.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

In fact, that probably hurt for both of them! But we have a feeling that it probably hurt more for the smaller guy on the bottom, about to feel the full force of the big guy on top.

We Saw It First

Is anyone else screaming at the screen right now? No, we don’t blame you. Of course, we understand that some jobs are very difficult, and this is no different in the construction world.

It must be hard to work on a house when it’s taller than a ladder – but we have a feeling that there’s some kind of construction rule or regulation that tells people not to stand on the thing they’re trying to cut.

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

This funny photo was taken moments before this guy sawed the very thing that was protecting himself from falling, and if that’s not a metaphor for everyday life then we don’t know what is.

Cactus Body Slam

If you’ve ever had acupuncture, you’ll know that this traditional therapy can be extremely helpful for those who suffer from aches and pains.

But while most people head to a certified professional to receive this treatment, it seems as though this guy decided to try and do it for himself.

So, he headed to the nearest cactus plant and decided to body-slam it. He even filmed the whole thing!

These Funny Photos Were Taken Just Moments Before Something Bad Happened

This still image shows the moment before he decided to throw himself into a pile of spikes, and we can’t help but wonder whether he was regretting his choice in this moment.


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