Funny Joke: A man in the grocery store notices a woman with a 3 year-old having constant tantrums

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~~~ Funny Parenting Joke ~~~

A man in the grocery store notices a woman with a three-year-old girl in her cart.

As they pass the cookie section, the little girl screams for cookies.

The mother says, “Now Missy, we only have a few more aisles to go—don’t throw a fit. It won’t be long.”

In the candy aisle, the little girl whines for candy.

The mother says, “There, there, Missy, don’t cry. Two more aisles, and we’ll be checking out.”

When they get to the checkout stand, the little girl howls for gum.

The mother says, reassuringly, “Missy, we’ll be done in five minutes, and then you can go home and have a bottle and a nice snooze.”

In the parking lot, the man stops the woman to compliment her.

“I couldn’t help noticing how patient you were with little Missy,” he says.

The mother sighs, “Oh, no—my little girl’s name is Francine,”….

“I’m Missy.”

😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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