Want to put me on Performance Review for having Cancer? Ok…

Sorry this is a long one, and happened a few years ago.

After several checks, it was confirmed I had cancer and had to be in hospital for a while.

I worked in Recruitment, and to my knowledge (to my face/in calls to me anyway), my company was supportive of my battle.

Whilst at home recovering from an op that I had to have to remove the cancer and to help with recovery, I kept on working/kept up with my clients etc, even though I took three months off unpaid leave – I just wanted to show my company that although I was off (like I asked for cancer or something 🙄), and also wanted to show them that I was grateful of their support and understanding of what I was going through.

During this time I made several high profile placements, and due to most having long notice periods (technical Directors etc) they wouldn’t start for a few months and we invoice/bill clients on start date.

The pipeline I had generated was worth $200k in a single month – which was the highest ever in the 10 year history of the company (a very good month would be about $20k-30k generated).

When I came back, I had a meeting with the Director, and I was about to thank him for his support etc and to excitedly tell tell him about my pipeline, however before I could, he said he was happy I was healthy, however he “had to put me on Performance Review for missing a critical time in the business and for not hitting my targets”.

I looked at him and said “As you know, I had Cancer and also took the time off as unpaid”

Director: “Yes, however not meeting KPI’s whilst still employed by us means I have to do this to be fair to others in the team”

I looked at him shocked, but then did the math in my head, and just said “Ok”.

Now it takes about 30 days for payment to hit our accounts. So I bid my time.

That week the first batch of my new placements dropped. I quietly invoiced. The next week more followed.

Third week our division had our monthly meeting where we each have to share the pipeline for that month. It got to me, and I said “I’m currently on $161k, and have another $40k pending.

You should have seen his face! His boss was at that meeting also. Most of my team knew what had happened to me and had my back and smirked.

We got paid commission monthly, and I knew I had another 5 weeks before these would be paid out.

So I just quietly worked, and luckily was also approached by one of my internal clients that wanted me to come work internally for them (I am actually still with them to this day!)

As soon as that wedge of commission dropped, I called a meeting with the Director.

He was all smiles and said “OP, I knew there would be no hard feelings about having to put you on performance review, and we are taking you off it. I see now it was completely unnecessary”.

I told him thanks, but I was giving him my notice. I said that “Having gone through the stress of what I had to go through, really made me think what was important at the end of the day”.

He and his boss (his boss apparently did not know about the Performance Review – dunno if true or not) tried to make me stay by offering raises and promotions etc. I, of course refused.

A couple of people I know are still there, and to this day, my record of highest biller in that company still stands.

EDITS: I didn’t want to make this long, but I did answer some questions in the comments, but thought it would be best to add.

EDIT 1: I would never put a candidate there nor would I ever recommend anyone to work at this agency.

Several people did leave after I did. Only around 3 people from when I was there remain (not counting the directors/owners). I guess they have their reasons (money being one).

I went to work internal for a big global who my old Agency wanted to be sole external recruitment partner for. It was funny when they found out I was going there.

I have final say on who we use, and I have refused and said no to this Agency every time, thus took away one of their biggest clients (that I looked after whilst there anyway).

EDIT 2: I now look after the recruitment of the business groups in the industry that my current company that this agency recruits in.

When I started, the Director of the Agency called me and said “it’s great that you are there as we can continue to foster a special relationship”.

I said “Thank you. However, I know I just started here and so need to get the lay of the land.

Also part of their remit of hiring me is to look at agency spend which has been high. So I guess it makes sense to hire me hahaha!”

When they tried sending me candidates, they were candidates that I and the team had already approached, and so I told them that and that it looks like we are on top of things now. Thanks for their help, but it’s no longer needed.”

EDIT 3: When the Director found out I started at the new company, he gave me a glowing endorsement on LinkedIn. He then asked me for one back in response. I left that on read

EDIT 4: Yes, maybe I should have looked at it a bit more RE being paid/unpaid leave/going on commission base only etc – At the time I was reeling at being told I had Ovarian Cancer and what needed to be done, thinking about my young son and what/if would happen to him if I was no longer around.

I was thinking about doing what I could whilst I still could – that would make people’s lives bearable if I was no longer around.

It’s hard to explain the thought process one has, and maybe I was taken advantage of.

But I beat my cancer and to this day feel like I managed to get the last laugh on them – not only did I leave on my terms, but they also have a reminder of that record breaking sales tally until someone manages to break it


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