I have scheduled an abortion after I found out that my husband cheated.

I found out that my husband was texting with a friend in our group.

He ended it when we found out that I was pregnant yes, but it lasted at least 3 months of very flirty texts and sex text.

I am 16 weeks pregnant and I found out now when we are on vacation. I am coming home on Monday and I scheduled on Tuesday.

I haven’t told him yet because I know that he will be devastated and then I am trapped aboard with an inconsolable man.

But I should tell him shouldnt I? Or maybe just tell him that I had a miscarriage?

But why would I want to ease his feelings? We are over and he is the reason.

Aita for wanting an abortion after I found out that he cheated on me?

And should I tell him? I need advice as well as judgment


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