My Cousin Publicly Humiliated Me at Family Dinner, So I Immediately Made Her Regret It

A night meant to be about enjoying a nice dinner turned into a scene of arguments. The incident had a woman’s family turn their backs on her with accusations of being mean and insensitive.

A 25-year-old Redditor shared the story of how her family was kicked out of a restaurant after her cousin provoked her. The original poster (OP) started by explaining that she did not have kids and never really wanted them.

However, she did not completely rule out the idea of having kids in the future when her life was more organized. On the other hand, her cousin, Sarah, is a mother of three. She has two children from a previous relationship, but the OP believed her children were not well-behaved. Sarah also recently had another child with her current boyfriend, MJ.

One night, the Redditor visited a sushi restaurant with her mother, sister, and Sarah. MJ was also meant to join them but only arrived later in the evening. This was OP’s first time having sushi, and when the food arrived, she struggled to use chopsticks.

Sarah let out a loud laugh from watching the OP struggle, but the waiter empathized and asked if she preferred what he called “training wheels,” a plastic object that kept the chopsticks together. The cousin did not stop laughing and said to the waiter, “Sorry about her; she constantly embarrasses herself and us.”

The Redditor started getting upset but did not say anything to Sarah. She decided to let her facial expressions do the talking. When MJ arrived, the cousin could not wait to tell her boyfriend how “slow” and “stupid” the OP was for not knowing how to use chopsticks.

The OP’s mother started to sense the hostility around the table and asked what Sarah’s problem was. She then went on to vent about how embarrassing the Redditor was, saying that she was “jealous of her being a mother” and “no one wants to have kids with [her].”

This was when the OP lost it. She told Sarah that she would not be jealous of her rude children. But she did not end there and continued, “You’re calling me an embarrassment? Didn’t MJ just have a baby on you with his wife? Your baby has a sibling a week apart from her. You probably learned how to use chopsticks by eating his wife’s leftovers.”

The situation exploded. Sarah started yelling at the OP along with MJ. Her mother and sister were also telling her she was being mean. The family caused a scene in the restaurant, so the management brought them their bill and asked them to leave the establishment.

The aftermath of the incident only got worse for the OP. Sarah’s mother got involved and was angry at the Redditor for revealing all that information about her cousin’s relationship. It turned out MJ had told Sarah that he and his wife were separated, only for Sarah to find out on Facebook that the wife had just had a baby.

The cousin did the math and realized that MJ impregnated both of them on the week of his birthday. After Sarah confronted him, he confirmed it with no remorse. MJ simply told her to get over it, or he would end their relationship. So the cousin stayed.

Therefore, the OP got a lot of backlash from her family because she was not meant to repeat any of that information, even though the incident had been a hot topic of discussion among the family for a week. Sarah’s mother tried to intervene to understand what had triggered everything.

Since the OP was not certain about having kids, Sarah found it problematic and believed that only a “horrible person” would not want to have children. However, the OP reasoned that she did not like babysitting her cousin’s kids.

On one occasion, Sarah and MJ wanted to go out and asked the OP to babysit, but she refused and told her cousin her kids were untrained. The Redditor also reasoned that she was uncomfortable babysitting a newborn and that Sarah would have to pay her to look after the other two children.

Therefore, looking back at that incident, the OP suspects her cousin might still be holding a grudge against her. However, after the Redditor’s aunt told her Sarah was having a difficult time dealing with MJ’s second baby, she decided to pick up the phone and apologize.

But her cousin did not accept the apology and the Redditor was not willing to get into another argument with her. “I held up my end of the bargain. Hopefully, this gets blown over soon…” expressed the OP.


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