Laugh Out Loud: Best Jokes About Kids, Animals, Jobs, and Life

The Parrot and the Burglar – Late one night, a burglar broke into a house. As he tiptoed through the living room, a booming voice stopped him in his tracks:

“Jesus is watching you!” Terrified, he froze, but when silence returned, he crept forward again.

The voice echoed once more, “Jesus is watching you!” Panicking, the burglar scanned the room and spotted a parrot in a cage. “Was that you?”

he asked.”Yes,” the parrot replied. Relieved, the burglar asked, “What’s your name?” “Moses,” said the bird. “Moses? That’s a dumb name for a parrot.

What idiot named you that?”The parrot squawked, “The same idiot who named the Rottweiler Jesus.” Moses’ quick wit is just the start of this laughter-filled journey.

As we turn the page to the next joke, prepare for a story that combines a bit of mystery with a generous dose of hilarity. Hold onto your sides as we dive into this playful tale by the cemetery.


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