Daughter Kicks Dad Out of Her Wedding, Having Just Walked Her Down the Aisle Earlier: ‘He Called Me Crying’

At her wedding, emotions ran high as one bride found herself in a heartbreaking situation. Upset deeply by her father’s actions, she made the difficult decision to ask him to leave the celebration. In that moment, she chose to forego the cherished father-daughter dance, closing her heart to his attempts at reconciliation. Read on to find out why she did so.

On February 5, 2022, an anonymous female poster took to the highly popular “AITA” subreddit to share her story. The woman, whose parents were divorced and did not get along despite their attempts to conceal their conflicts, found herself leading two separate lives as a result of their strained relationship.

Upon her engagement, the woman envisioned a grand wedding, desiring the active participation of both her mother and father in the traditional rituals. She particularly wanted her mom to share in the pre-wedding preparations and her dad to walk her down the aisle.

What Transpired at the Woman’s Wedding?

On the day of the reception, during the family photo shoot, the bride requested a single picture with her mom and dad together, in addition to the separate photos taken with her dad and his wife and her mom and her husband. However, her stepmother adamantly refused, asserting that the family was no longer intact and that it would be disrespectful to her marriage with the woman’s father.

She grappled with the complex emotions surrounding the situation, questioning her own actions and motivations.

The stepfather, in contrast, did not object, but the woman’s father sided with his wife, declining to participate in the picture that would hold sentimental value for his daughter. The woman noted:

“[My father] told me he loved me very much but that his wife wouldn’t be comfortable with it and so he couldn’t. He said he would love to take more pictures of all 5 of us (dad, mom, SM, and SD) and more of just me and him, but I declined.”

Feeling deeply hurt and disillusioned by her father’s decision, the woman confronted him, pouring out her emotions regarding his refusal. “I told him that I no longer wanted to share the first dance with him at the reception and that I didn’t want to hear whatever speech he concocted,” expressed the livid bride.

She also insisted that he couldn’t take a picture with her. Although he expressed his understanding and a desire to engage in those meaningful moments with her, she asked him to leave despite his genuine wish to stay. Even though her father had walked her down the aisle, she was so hurt that she kicked him out of her wedding.

“He called me crying the next day, and wanted to talk,” recounted the woman. In response, she told him that it was fortunate he had another daughter, his shared child with his current wife, and that he still had the opportunity to be a father of the bride someday.

He assured her that she was irreplaceable and offered to do anything to make amends. His deep remorse was evident, and she could sense his sincerity, realizing he wasn’t trying to manipulate her.

Despite this, the woman found herself questioning if she had been wrong to ask him to leave, understanding that his wife’s insecurities were beyond his control. She grappled with the complex emotions surrounding the situation, questioning her own actions and motivations.

What Do Redditors Think?

The woman’s story generated a discussion on Reddit, with the majority of commenters supporting her and labeling her “NTA.” They agreed that her request for a photo with her biological parents on her wedding day was entirely reasonable.

One commenter condemned the stepmother’s behavior as childish, blaming the father’s choices for damaging their relationship. Another empathetic commenter, herself a stepmother, criticized the stepmom’s cruelty, stating that her own stepdaughter would appreciate a photo with her parents.

A third commenter pointed out the stepmother’s manipulative tactics, suggesting she was intentionally driving a wedge between the woman and her father. A different Redditor found the stepmother’s objections absurd, emphasizing the significance of the moment for the bride.

Lastly, a stepmother commenter acknowledged the importance of the woman’s request and criticized the stepmother’s lack of understanding, highlighting that it was a matter about the bride and her immediate family.

What are your opinions on this situation? Do you back the original poster’s choice to ask her father to leave her wedding?


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